The Verified Industrial Properties program – “VIP by DRP” – works to identify, assess, and ready vacant industrial sites best positioned to recruit and support projects in our 11-County region, creating new jobs, investment, and tax base for our communities. The verification process is a collaborative effort between the Detroit Regional Partnership, developers, brokers, and site owners, leveraging our authorized engineering consultants who provide a comprehensive due diligence report for each site. This enables end users and site selectors to quickly and accurately assess sites for their project needs.


  • 81 vacant industrial sites have undergone desktop due diligence through the program
  • 31 vacant industrial sites undergoing physical site studies to learn more about the region’s top sites
  • Investing in end user support on sites to help mobility and smart manufacturing investments land in the region
  • Dedicated portal (log-on anytime from anywhere – no password required)
  • Continuing to identify the best sites in the region for inclusion in the program with a goal of 120 sites total


Wayne State university
Invest Detroit
Wayne State university


VIP by DRP partners with third-party civil and environmental engineers to collect and verify critical site information. Companies, site consultants, developers, and real estate brokers can scan available acreage, utilities, maps, drone video, wetland and floodplain information, and other data essential to evaluating a site’s viability. It cuts the time to complete a basic level of due diligence and narrows down what properties warrant further exploration.


Industrial is the hottest sector in the real estate market. There are no existing industrial vacant buildings. If a vacant site hasn’t been prepared and put through a step-by-step site readiness program, it causes delay, is less marketable and greatly diminishes consideration of our region. VIP by DRP provides speed to market with a transparent, third-party verified process. In this marketplace, you must have clear, critical, accurate information readily available to be competitive. Having sites ready to pull the trigger on projects is why we created VIP by DRP. We are the regional economic development organization tasked with marketing an 11-county region for investment. Our program assists in creating jobs and capital investment, and this program is how we can compete as a region.


The Verified Industrial Properties (VIP by DRP) program simplifies your site selection search with a convenient catalogue of properties in the Detroit Region.